Speaker, “New Imperatives for the practice of the profession – Money Laundering”; International Colloquium of the Union des Avocats Européens (U.A.E.), Budapest, Hungary, 21.04.2006
Co-Lecturer, “Foundation of Media Law - Invasion of Personal Privacy in the Media. A comparison between Australia and Germany”, University of Paderborn, Germany, Faculty of Media Law, 25.04. – 27.04.2007
Speaker, “Ethics and management of a law firm in an international environment”;
as President of the Delegation North West of the Federal Republic of Germany of the Union des Avocats Européens (U.A.E.) on invitation of Lawrope, Monaco, 01.07. – 02.07.2007
Speaker, “Liability of enterprises and the enterprise’s advisors in the crises – XXI Congress Union des Avocats Européen (U.A.E.)”, The Enterprises in Crises – Which Rules and which Principles in EC Law? Catania, Sicily, Italy, 12.07. – 15.07.2007
Speaker, “Conduct of litigation in European countries and working as a litigation lawyer in Europe”, The University of Western Australia, School of Law, Perth, 2014