For more than 25 years Janssen + Maluga Legal has successfully dealt with catastrophic injuries cases. Representing clients in local, regional and international cases in Germany, Australia, US and other European countries. We represent victims for all kinds of accidents and incidents that cause Catastrophic Injuries.
Prof Dr Janssen and Dr Maluga have developed a successful network of international medical and forensic experts. They have supported and worked for international support organisations like MyHandicap or Notgemeinschaft Medizingeschädigter.
In addition to our lawyer’s international expertise we are always committed and compassionate to every client we represent for every single case. We know that in our clients cases their financial future is dependent on the outcome of the case. Therefore, the advice we give to our clients is without compromise to ensure that the compensation secures a standard of living high enough so that the client and their family can continue a life in dignity.
Our team is multi-lingual with members speaking English, French, German, Spanish, Arabic, Dutch, Italian, Sinhala, Bemba and other languages.
Cases of medical Negligence, Car accidents and Workplace accidents need time. JML will not rush the client’s case to generate Cash-Flow for our Law Firm but will put enough resources into every case to bring compensation as soon as possible and with the best possible outcome to the victim.